Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fayette County Record Volleyball Sig ads


The Record is offering the opportunity for volleyball signature ads similar to the boys football teams in the area.   

 Here are the Volleyball Signature ads from last year.   We need to know as soon as possible since it starts next week.   The cost will be $12 per week and it will run every Friday until the season ends at the State Championship!!!  We offer a discount if anyone wanted to support Basketball, which may overlap a little bit if any of the teams go to state, but if someone wanted to do both Volleyball and Basketball, the cost would be $10 a week through the end of Basketball season, however, with an overlapping time frame of a couple weeks being $20 a week.

I hope this explains it all, but if not, just let me know.

Thank You So Much!

Becky Weise, Advertising Director
The Fayette County Record | 979.968.3155 |

Rates and deadlines are listed on our website at the link above.  The deadline for the regular Friday issue is Tuesday at 5pm.  The TMC deadline is Tuesday at 10am.  The deadline for the Tuesday issue is Friday at 10am.  

Please email all ad copy changes to me so that I may forward them to our graphics designer.  This ensures correctness.
Please Note: All Classifieds need to go to Jackie Daniels at  "For the Record's" need to go to Aileen at